Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Quiet Days between Christmas and New Years

I felt really compelled to write this piece tonight as the winter silence outside is only broken by the distant sound of a train and perhaps a few cars on the road.  The deep, dark, midnight blue of the sky is the backdrop for the sliver moon and the brightly shining stars.

Christmas Day has passed.  That saddens me to some degree. I look forward to that day all year long. The magical spirit of the season brightens my spirits and things somehow appear a bit more hopeful. The hustle and bustle of the gift buying, the wrapping, the family celebrations on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are done.

And now, we rest.  We rest and savor the kindnesses that have been shown, the renewal of the human spirit, the children that were made happy by strangers generosity, forgiveness that was shown, healing that began and a new love discovered.

These "inbetween" days we review the past year, perhaps with judgement on ourselves, perhaps with recollection of happy times with friends, perhaps with uncertainty and worry, perhaps with celebration of a new life, a new job,  or an increase in business.

Rest and contemplation. Be kind to yourself, "love the questions", be still and know the answers to your problems will come.

The New Year will come. Our confidence and our energy will be rejuvenated and we will once again, march toward the fulfillment of our dreams.

Bet still my friends and allow yourself this time.

With Love and Light,


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