Thursday, September 4, 2014

What Do I Know

What Do I Know

1.)  I know that there are "10" ways to get something accomplished.
I find myself saying this all too often these days.  As I wind down my career in the Health Care Industry and enter into my full time creative life, I struggle with getting everything accomplished that I need to in a day.  So many demands coming from every area of my life, people trying to squeeze every last ounce out of me before I leave my corporate job and my creative life is bursting at the seams for me to pay attention to it!

And so, I step back and contemplate how I can prioritize and delegate to get to the goal line of some of these tasks. Knowing that things always get done, I am reminded this morning of something I was taught by Abraham Hicks.  Write down a list and ask the Universe to handle some of the things I just can't get to.

Crazy? Yes! Does it Work! Yes! I have used this tool countless times and it works everytime!

Tony Robbins also has a great way to prioritize our lives and it's called the RPM system.
Check it works well. It takes some "rethinking" on our parts, but definitely effective!

2.) I know that I am afraid to leave my corporate job but I am doing it anyway!  It's a calling that needs to be answered, that has whispered to me the quiet hours of the morning on a daily basis for five years now.  That whisper, turned into a gentle nudge and friendly reminders, then it moved itself to a voice that said "hey!" I called you to do this! In a sweet and loving way. And now, that voice is standing next to me like a strong man who lovingly but very firmly says "it's time", "come" and you know by looking in his eyes, that look of determination that burns into your soul, that you do not fight it, you submit to it.

3.) I know that I am walking into an unknown pathway that will be an amazing journey one with twists and turns that I can't even imagine right now. I am truly excited to see what is to come!

4.)  I know that the Universe/God, whatever your beliefs are has shown me in countless ways, that I am on the right track.  My friend said he will finish his edits on my book by Monday of next week.  I was introduced to a professional editor/author this week and had a great conversation with her.  It turns out we have so much in common and we really connected. I met a wonderful person yesterday, who I am delighted to help her create a new look for herself  and I have guests in the house that were only to stay two nights, who have turned into family and are staying for two weeks. We are sharing our lives together for a short time and it is truly wonderful to be exposed to their culture, taste the food they are preparing and listen to the stories of life in China.

5.) I know that I am grateful everyday for life's blessings that are bestowed upon me everyday!

My Dear Readers,  say thank you everyday! Listen to that still small voice that becomes a strong scream in your heart! Keep moving forward, don't look back unless it makes you smile.


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