Today, I took another step in my journey to share my first novel with the world. I submitted the manuscript to Createspace and Amazon, who are sponsoring the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awared. This opportunity gives a writer a chance to win one of two $15,000 publishing contracts with Penguin USA and distribution of their novel on
Writers had to submit a 300- word pitch for their entry. I was so excited about this opportunity and when I went to sign on this morning and submit my work, I discovered I was too late to submit for the general fiction category, 5000 entries had already gotten in. However, I never, ever, ever give up and I submitted into the second category - Young Adult fiction and found a spot to write in a special request for consideration to Amazon. So, who knows how this will all turn out, the Universe/God whatever you call the Higher Power that operates in the world, will take it from here, I did what I could.
I thought I would share my pitch with my readers, here it is, let me know what you think:
Sometimes it takes nine months and sometimes it takes nine years. Sometimes, it is effortless and sometimes it is a struggle. But in the end, the birthing of a new creation, whether it is a brand new baby boy, a work of art like that of MichelAngelo, or a novel , it is all worth it! I am mindful of something that Steve Jobs says in an interview with he and Bill Gates:
People say you have to have a lot of passion for what you’re doing, its totally true, and the reason is because its so hard that if you don’t any rational person would give up! It’s really hard , you have to do it over a sustained period of time, if you don’t love it and your not having fun doing it, your going to give up and that’s what happens to most people actually if you look at the ones that ended up being successful in the eyes of society..oftentimes the ones that are successful, love what they did so they would persevere when it got really tough and the ones that didn’t love it – Quit!, because they are sane right?
I began the journey of creating this novel in August of 2005 and finished the last sentence in July 2010. Through unemployment, a mother diagnosed with breast cancer, a challenging new job, and a house fire, I never gave up. This book became my solace during the storms of life. I never stopped writing and I never stopped dreaming of a published work.
The Miracle of a Broken Heart, through a fictional character inspires women to be true to themselves and follow their dreams! “ Again, I quote Steve Jobs as he cites lyrics in a Beatles song about his relationship with Bill Gates
“You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.”
It is my sincere desire that I will say this about the relationship that was formed with CreateSpace, Amazon, Penguin Publishing and Kimberley Barker Nightingale.
Would love to know your thoughts,