Why is it that we "count our blessings" when they are only something "big" like a promotion, or getting a new car or a graduation. What about the family birthday party in which you are surrounded by aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews cousins? The hours spent together watching the baby try to walk and hear his belly laugh. Listening to the stories told of times past by the elders of the family. Listening to the good jokes and the bad ones too! These are the moments that feed our souls. We celebrate with food and the giving of presents. But I think the real present is the time that we all spend together. Time goes by so fast. Our lives are all so busy, full of the daily obligations of life. These are the hours in which we feel love, comfort and contentment.
And what of the blessing of squeezing in an hour or two to catch up with one of your dearest friends? True friends last a lifetime. True friends can reconnect with you in five minutes even though you haven't seen one another in six months. True friends that love you despite your faults.
Did your pet come to greet you when you got home today? How many times we take this small act of love for granted. Yet, this unconditional love shows itself to us each day.
How about that check that came in the mail when you weren't sure how you were going to pay that unexpected expense?
And what of the friend that you ran into and unexpectedly danced all night with?
I am certain if you stepped back and reviewed your day, your week, your month... you would find countless things to be grateful for and to appreciate.
Will you look for those little things this upcoming week? Feel free to share them with me on this blog. I would love to hear about them. Remember, they do not need to be big to be blessings.
With Gratitude and Love,
So many blessings to give thanks for every day. My animals my job my friends this year I have made so many new friends that it is easy to stop and remember to say thanks for making a difference in my life!
On Day One of this Blog, I was grateful that I could awaken to a new day full of possibilities.
On Day Two of this Blog, I am grateful that I was able to listen to a wonderful hour long seminar by the folks at: www.makingamillionlooksmall.com - everyone should really check out their message! It is truly a shift in mindset!
On Day Three of this Blog: I am so grateful that I have such great teachers in my life. I learn and grow everyday! Its awesome!
Ok..so I have some catching up to do:
Days Four, Five and Six? lol: I brought my car into the shop on Friday and the dealer told me that the bill was $900. I went to pick up the car at the end of the day and walked away paying a $71 bill! Yay!!
My cat Ben has kept his food down for three days now - no more vomiting! How happy does that make me!
I got to take a nap today. It has been a looong time since I have had that luxury and the even better thing was that I was able to quiet my heart and mind. That hasn't happened in quite some time!
Day Seven? Dancing with friends! What a wonderful time listening to great music and being with great friends!
Ok..so I have lost track of the number of days! But on this beautiful fall, October day, I am grateful for the rich abundance of my life. I am surrounded by wonderful friends and that circle keeps expanding, which makes my heart sing! I have three very healthy cats and I am healthier and stronger than I have ever been. I have a beautiful home which I love so much. My family is full of love and challenges and I wouldn't have it any other way! They are my teachers in so many ways. I learn from them all the time.
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